Category Archives: book publishing

Writing a Fairy Tale Retelling

Who doesn’t love a good old fashion fairy tale woven into a story plot? This genre has stood against the test of time and spread across the globe by sharing culturally inspired tales. Writing a fairy tale retelling is another way for our stories to be shared. Writing a fairy tale retelling is popular in…
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Joining Writing Communities

Most authors are introverts who would much rather be in their own personal bubble without others breaking their concentration, but this is why joining writing communities is important. Sure your family and friends can offer motivational support, but it is unlikely they will fully understand the trials and tribulations that a writer faces each time…
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10 Ways to Defeat Writer’s Fatigue

It happens to the best of writers. Feeling emotionally and physically drained while writing is a frustrating dilemma. The ways to defeat writer's fatigue are endless, but we have outlined just a few to get you started back on the path to writing. Warning signs of those experiencing writer’s fatigue can include: • Lack of…
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7 Successful Independent Publishing Characteristics

Independent publishing has been in the literary world for centuries, and successful independent publishing characteristics reflect their inner drive to get creative works out there for the world to see. You need to hone and adapt these qualities over time because not every publisher instinctively has acquired these behaviors from the start, but they work…
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